Title: International Land model Benchmarking (ILAMB) Package v001.00
Authors: Mingquan Mu, James T. Randerson, William J. Riley, Charles D. Koven, Gretchen Keppel-Aleks, David M. Lawrence, and Forrest M. Hoffman
As a contribution to International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) Project, we are providing new analysis approaches, benchmarking tools, and science leadership. The goal of ILAMB is to assess and improve the performance of land models through international cooperation and to inform the design of new measurement campaigns and field studies to reduce uncertainties associated with key biogeochemical processes and feedbacks. ILAMB is expected to be a primary analysis tool for CMIP6 and future model–data intercomparison experiments. This team has developed initial prototype benchmarking systems for ILAMB, which will be improved and extended to include ocean model metrics and diagnostics.
Software Download or Repository: Download ILAMB.v001.00
DOI: 10.18139/ILAMB.v001.00/1251597
Mu et al., 2018, in preparation.
Points of Contact:
Mingquan Mu (mmu at uci dot edu), James T. Randerson (jranders at uci dot edu), William J. Riley (wjriley at lbl dot gov, and Forrest M. Hoffman (forrest at cliamtemodeling dot org
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